Learning Coach and Attendance


Log into LC account daily.

  • Read and respond to emails.
  • Communication is key.
  • Review student’s lessons and assignments for the day.
  • prepare materials if needed.
  • mnitor student’s school engagement
  • log attendance daily


Attendance is not entered automatically from student being in class or being logged in into school.

Learning Coach reports attendance hours through the Learning Coach account for their student.

It’s Learning Coach responsibility to enter attendance hours every school day. They need to keep track of hours their student spends on school (in class, in courses, online, offline, reading, writing, doing projects, extracurricular activities like music, art, PE, etc.) and enter them during the day or at the end of the day.

K12’s attendance mobile app makes entering attendance easier. Search in your app store for K12 Apps or to The app supports iOS 3.x and Android 2.x or above.


State Attendance Requirements

UTVA follows all legal requirements set by the state for attendance.

Every student needs to have 5.5 hours of school attendance a day (4.5 in 1st grade, 2.5 in kindergarten). This equals to 27.5 hours per week and 990 hours a year. Attendance must be entered for each separate day. Having extra hours of attendance in a day doesn’t add up to more days being recorded.

  • 180 school days
  • 5 hours a day
  • 5 hours a week
  • 990 hours a year
  • 1st grade = 4.5 hours a day, Kindergarten = 2.5 hours a day,


Technical Issues


Being in online school gives you the freedom to log into school and complete school work from anywhere. All you need is access to internet. When parents enrolled their students into UTVA they agreed to provide working computer and internet. These are conditions for enrollment.

Technical issues are NOT valid excuses to miss school. You will not be excused from school for not working computer or internet. It is parents’ responsibility to get it fixed.

Contact your internet provider to get internet issues resolved.

Contact k12 tech support open 24/7 to get technical issues resolved: 866-K12-CARE (866-512-2273)

Check online help for common issues:


Illness and Other Issues

If a student is sick (severely sick and cannot physically log into school at all in 24 hours) or has other valid excuse for missing school (death in the family or close friend, approved school activity such as all-day testing, excuse by a healthcare, accommodations plan, or IEP) the parents can fill out an online excuse request

If a student is sick and physically cannot log in into school for more than 2 days, we require a doctor’s note, a hospital note, or other proof documenting the illness. Email your doctor’s note or hospital note or other proof documenting the illness to your homeroom teacher or mentor in middle or high school, so they can forward it to our attendance.

When we have a school outing, it usually takes place in the afternoon and only for a few hours. So students can still log into school and do school in the morning or other time in 24 hour period.


Parent Excused Absences

Parents can excuse up to 5 days in a quarter. The rest of the days students have to log into school. Missing more than 10% of school days (more than 5 days in a quarter) is considered being excessively absent and truant. We follow truancy process and even refer students and parents to truancy court if needed.

In high school the days during the finals (end of block, end of semester) cannot be excused. Assignments must be submitted by the deadlines set by the teachers.


School Work is NOT Excused

When parents excuse a school day, students still have to make up the missed school work. If assignments are late, they may be subject to late work policy set by the teacher. Work with your teacher to work out a make-up plan for school assignments and class recordings when you miss school.


Doctor Appointments

If you have a doctor’s appointment and miss class, you need to log in at other time same day and watch class recording and complete required school work.


Vacation Policy
  • UTVA is a public school. Students must attend at least 90% of the possible instructional hours for the school year AND must not miss school for ten (10) consecutive days.
  • If a family needs to plan a vacation, this vacation must not include more than 10% of the possible instructional hours and must not last more than ten (10) consecutive days.
  • Assignments due during a family-scheduled vacation must be completed prior to the vacation, and it is the student’s responsibility to contact his or her teachers prior to this absence.
  • There are no exceptions to this policy. Assignments that are completed late due to a family-scheduled vacation during school are subject to the late work policy.
  • Parents must fill out a vacation request form online at least a week ahead and have it approved by the administrator. If absence negatively affects student’s progress or student has excessive absences, the request can be denied.


Excessive Absences and Truancy
  • Students can have up to 5 excused or unexcused absences consecutive or not consecutive in each quarter or block which is about 10% of school days.
  • Students are considered excessively absent if no attendance is logged for 5 consecutive days.
  • If a student misses 10 consecutive days of school, the student must be withdrawn from UTVA for attendance policy.
  • If a student is withdrawn, the parent has to enroll their student into another school and let UTVA know the name of the school. If homeschooling -parent needs to sign a homeschooling affidavit at their home school district that they took full responsibility for educating their child and send us a copy to avoid a student being listed as a drop out in school records and having to go through truancy process.